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10 must do things before travelling!

Before you jet off there's a few important steps and things you need to consider; insurance, visa's, travel documents and phone data/wifi! Find all of the info here.

In this post you'll find all of my top tips for all the things you need to do before travelling... Over the years I have gained quite a list of all the things I need to remember and this is what I'll be sharing with you to add or start your own 'to do list'.

1. Get your Visa

Depending on where you are travelling to and from, you may need a visa to enter the country. The sooner you can do this the better, this will come into your planning right as you've finalised your dates and the destination. You'll need to check out the countries website or work with a visa agency to get this sorted and you never know if there will be delays, so this is the first thing I always check.


2. Find your passport

It's always the simple things that can cause the most problems. Depending on when your last trip was, your passport could be stored in that 'safe place' we like to put things. Dig it out and check it's in date/has all the requirements needed to enter the place you are travelling to.

If it's out of date or needs updating this can be a lengthy process depending on the time of year, so double check this when you're working on visa's!


3. Travel insurance

This is always something people second guess, in my case it's always better to have it, than need it and not have it. As you could pay a lot in fees if your trip is cancelled or cut short or if you are unwell and need treatment.

Not only does it cover your trip and your health but missing or lost items such as your passport or if you're stranded because of flights.

There are loads of comparison sites out there where you can find one right for your needs and budget!


4. Money, money, money

You most certainly do not want to be carrying all of your money with you on your trip in cash... If you are travelling with your normal debit/credit card, let your bank know you are going abroad so they do not flag this up as suspicious activity.

My recommendation is to get a pre-paid card or travel reward card, which you can top up in a number of various currencies when you need to, so you're never taking more than you need. This is also great as the ATM transaction fees are lower if you need the cash and exchange rates can be better. I use the British Airways Prepaid Mastercard.


5 . Accommodation

As much as I love spontaneity, having your accommodation booked in advance can help your greatly! There is nothing like stumbling around a new city after getting off a flight at 1am trying to find a place to stay. You don't need all of it booked if you want to change your plans but the first place is always a good idea, this will also be cheaper if you book in advance or directly with them.

6. Staying in touch

Now the plan is it go and have an adventurous time, all while being present in the moment however having access to data/wifi and a connection does help somewhat. Check out your current phone plan, you can add on extra's depending on your trip length this can work out pretty cheap. If you are going for longer periods of time, getting a local sim can be a cost friendly way of you staying in touch.

Also check out the app Airalo, instead of you buying a new sim, you can use your currently one and 'hop' off into a regional one, it's very cool and cheap!

Not only is your data and phone important to keep in touch and post about all of your amazing adventures, let people know where you are going. This can be a parent or friend but keeping them up to date on new location and how long you're planning on staying is always a good idea. Just in case anything does happen, there's someone who knows your last location.


7. Stress-free luggage

Packing can be a very stressful part of any trip, finding the right size bag, making sure it's in the weight limit and minimising the amount of stuff you take, so you're not lugging around a 25kg suitcase in Rome until check-in. My go to carry on is the DB bags, their moto is "we want to help you to go out into the world in pursuit of your passions" and they do that by making high quality bags for every occasion - from skiing to photography and everything in-between. Made in Scandinavia I think that says it all, think stylish, functional and most importantly a smart way to travel. (Get 15% off too here, I promise it's an investment worth having)


8. Keeping your privacy

Not everything needs to be shared - if you are travelling on your own, small white lies never hurt anyone, only post about destinations after you have left and trust your instincts in any situation. When staying in hostels, most are very friendly and welcoming but just to be sure have all your valuables with you or locked away in a locker. Keep your personal documents, passwords and anything else that's got number or bank details on in a safe place or backed-up in case it get's lost or stolen.


9. Flying ahead

The gateway to your trip, the flight whether it's an hour or twelve, having this booked in advance saves you time and money! You can find the best sites I use for checking flights in my guide here but keep an eye on prices, dates and destination to get the most out of your trip. Especially long-haul if you are doing lay-overs check there's enough time for you to get across the airport and double check your arrival airport, as there can be multiple ones in any city.


10. Stay healthy

Travelling can be tiring, stressful and exhausting (as well as fun, exhilarating, memorable and many other things) so remember to look after yourself and listen to what your body needs. If you need a rest day take it! Remember all of your medications and keep them stocked up, take some vitamins with you as you may not be able to find them when you are there and drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

Ready to get planning? Check out my top tips on the best places to visit, making the most of your time and the key kit and equipment needed for all type of weather!


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