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Making the most of your time while travelling

Only have a few days to spend at a destination or have a quick layover and not sure where to head to first? Check out my tips below.

Your time is the most important asset you own, so making the most of it while on holiday is important. This does not mean jamming in everything down to the last second, but utilising what time you do have to make sure you feel satisfied.


1. Make a list

Now this sounds like the most boring thing you could ever do but it's a very useful one. Once you have chosen your destination make a list of the all of things you'd like to see, do and eat. Then split these into activities for example: Places to stay, places to eat, things to do, viewpoints.

Then when you have your categories rank them most important to least important. You can then plan your trip around what you most definitely want to see and would like to see if you have time. This also means you don't miss anything and if you ever go back you can fill in the gaps you missed!


2. Group places together

The next step along from the one first is looking at all of the places you want to see and then splitting it up into areas. So you're in a city and you've got things to do in the north and south west, then a few dots in the east. I would split these out into my three days (depending on the time you're there), there's nothing worse than spending your holiday travelling between places you want to see, minimise this by grouping them into what's close to one another. You'll then save money too, giving you more of a chance to see the place you wanted to visit in the first place.


3. Do your research

This sort of comes back to the first bit of advice - do you research before you go, we all love being spontaneous but a little planning goes a long way. Looking up good restaurants in the area, when places open and close, how to use to public transport, what time check-in is. All of these little things will save you time when you're actually there and it all adds up. Be being prepared with these simple things means you'll be able to enjoy the experience rather than waiting outside of a museum that doesn't open for another 2 hours (we've all been there.)


4. Don't panic

Things don't always go to plan - cancelled flights, bad weather, illness and many other things out of your control. The main thing to remember is to not panic, as much as you were looking forward to these activities and experiencing your destination, some things happen and that's ok.

Take a pressure off and remember there's always time to go back again if you wish, try and not get too disappointed. If it's bad weather or cancelled transportation, just head back over to your list and see what was a priority and see if you can make it work. When you're ill the last thing you want to be doing is wondering around a new place, just dragging yourself around, you won't enjoy it and possible make yourself feel worse. Rest up and then see what time you have left and make the most of it when you're better!


5. Leave space

Remember to leave time for spontaneous things, it's all well and good packing a full itinerary but sometimes you might see something or meet people you want to go with. If you're rushing from place to place you won't be able to do this.

Also take time for yourself, have that drink in the hotel bar, go on that evening sunset stroll along the beach or read that book in the park whatever it is, enjoy the moment and relax. This is much as a break away from home as it is about experiencing new things.


Ready to get planning? Check out my top tips on the best places to visit, making the most of your time and the key kit and equipment needed for all type of weather!

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