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The guide to Lake Sorapis - A must visit and hiking route

Want to visit the shimmering Lago di Sorapis? The only way is to hike...but it's completely worth it. See the various routes, viewpoints and kit needed to make this adventure magical.

With many lakes clustering in the valleys and canyons of Cortina d'Ampezzo it is hard to pick a favourite, but this is certainly on the list. It's not the easiest of hikes but it's also not the hardest by far...pick a nice day like we did and it's certainly worth the trip.

Set back from the valley and in front of the towering 3,200m Mount Sorapis, you follow the Cime Di Marcoira all the way around in the Circo Del Sorapis mountain range to reach the lake. Following the 215 trail it takes around 2 hours each way, this is the most direct route but can get busy in the summer season.

For a alternative route and in my option a spectacular vantage point, you can go through the Forcella Marcoira saddle via trail 216. This is not for the faint hearted and it very steep in places but if this route sparks your inner adventurer then you will pass over one of the most rugged and precipitous mountain passes in the area. You will see as far as Tre Cime and over the whole eastern side of the Dolomites.

The complete Lago di Soapis trail circuit is 13.2kms and takes around 5 hours, however the return hike on trail 215 is only 11.5km and can be done in 4 hours. The choice is completely yours, here what you need to know to make up your mind!

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Lago di Sorapis Hiking Guide

​Summary: A circular day hike to a crystal turquoise lake

Distance: 13.5 km circuit

Time: 5:10 hours

Max elevation: 2,311 metres

Difficulty: Medium to Hard

Best time: Early June

The trail to the lake includes is a forest path for half of the way and then a rocky ledge the other half. There are metal stairways and handrails so you do feel quite safe. The 360 degree views are incredible and at every turn you see a new mountain. Take a look at the map below for the approx route.


Hiking Trail Difficulty

The start of the hike from Passo Tre Croci is a very gentle man-made gravel path however it quickly turns into some steep, rocky and slightly exposed passages, but they are all secured with cables. The 215 trail, due to it being the most popular route, can get very busy especially if you don't go early, you are then battling against the stream of people coming back from the lake. So the narrow section can seam a bit intimidating.

The rocks under foot are secure but can get slippery in the rain or where the occasional stream runs across from the mountain.

I genuinely wouldn't have been without my hiking poles for stability.

It is not a difficult trail but can get frustrating in sections, however if you take the alternative route home there is a welcomed solitude but be prepared this is not for your average walker, confident hikers who are used to steep, rocky terrain.


How to get to the Passo Tre Croci Trailhead

We started in the nearby B&B Hotel PassoTre Croci, this was not intentional for this hike we just happened to love to style and the price to stayed here for the whole duration while we were in Cortina d'Ampezzo. However if you are not staying at the hotel it is a 15-20 minute drive from the town's centre. You take Strada Regionale 48 delle Dolomiti north-east until you reach the hotel and straight after there is free parking. It can get busy and it is off-road parking.

There is a wooden fence with a metal gate near the bottom of the tree line with a trail sign to mark the start of your adventure!


Lago di Sorapis Hiking Route

Kicking off the two hour hike to the lake, follow trail 215 in a southward direction, you quickly meet a forest path which in my opinion is the most peaceful part of the hike, completely surrounded by trees. You then come across a rocky path after 20 minutes and on your left side, where there are gaps in the trees where you'll see your first mountainous views.

There is then a very large rock slide and you take a slightly left route around the mountain and up onto the path. You continue on the forest path until a small stream which can be slippy, so take your time here.

The path starts to have an incline but the views to your left of the 32km valley and the Marmarole range are worth stopping and admiring.

After around 50 minutes and slowly following the path upwards, you reach an open stony passage, which is secured with metal cables, again this can get wet and slippery so use cables provided. Metal ladders then appear and you gain elevation quite quickly which take you to more cables take you round the mountain on a ledge.

For the final stretch of the hike you turn inland, but before that there are some polished rock surfaced underfoot and the path forks, the right hand turn is trail 216 but you want to continue down the left hand path to the lake, which takes around 20 minutes. My Osprey Hydraulics™ LT 2.5L Reservoir came in very handy all the way along the hike, being able to take sips of water all while being comfortable in my Osprey Women's Tempest 34 Daysack.

Just before the lake, you cross a stream via a wooden bridge and the Rifugio Vandelli is on your left, which has toilets and refreshments (the later is only open late June to September.) Set in a natural crater Lago di Sorapis is lined by trees on the north side and rugged mountain rocks on the other. You can walk all the way around the lake although most people stop at the trails end, so it can get quite busy here.

Fed from the snow capped mountains, the turquoise lake has powered rock partials resting on the surface which gives it its colour.

The towering peak is called Dito di Dio, known as the finger of god, surrounded by Cime del Laudo. Looking right from the tower, if you choose trail 216, is the mountain you will be hiking up, round and behind.


Lago di Sorapis to Passo Tre Croci, via Forcella Marcoira

Once you have finished at the lake you can either re-trace your steps back along trail 215 or go back to the polished rocks and the intersection to take trail 216. Taking around three hours, it is a longer and more strenuous way back but believe me, if adventure is your thing you, do not want to miss this.

The trail immediately takes a steep incline and it a lot narrower than it's predecessor, however it is quite clear to follow. There are some large piles of rocks which require some scrambling and this section does seam to go on quite a while. You meet a lot of false peaks but the top of Cime del Laudo does get nearer. When you are not far off the top the path takes a right direction over scree rock around the summit with views of Tre Cime di Lavaredo and Cadini di Misurina.

Once you reach the 'top' (you don't actually reach the summit of Cime Del Laudo, that's another couple of hundred of meters further up) get your camera out and appreciate the dramatic view.

You are then almost a little lost but look across left and you will see Forcella Marcoira saddle, where we are heading and it is a sharp decent, using metal cables and a few switchback until you level off into the ridge which is Ciadin del Laudo.

You can clearly see the path all the way through the basin and where you'll exit at Forcella Marcoira. This part of the trail is very easy going to this is an ideal place to have a pit stop and a snack.

The next part gets tricky...we did this hike late May, just before the start of the season, which was great as there were less crowds but it did mean there was still snow around. We knew what this part of the hike was like and how treacherous it can be normally so when we saw it was covered in snow we were a little apprehensive.

Coming out of Marcoira saddle this is the view you'll get of the next part of the trail. There is no set path and underfoot is uneven scree and loose rocks. You have to navigate this slippery terrain very carefully as it does just drop off quite quickly in places.

However when you get past this section the Cristallo mountain group is waiting to welcome you. An arm of rock is the perfect place to appreciate this spectacular landscape.

You continue west across more scree, on much leveller ground and then approach a tree line on completely flat ground. You follow this trail until you reach a crossroads with a signpost, you then want to take the right path onto trail 213.

Descending into forest for around 50 minutes, there are many paths which join 213 but it is quite clear which one you should stay on. You then eventually come out at the back of B&B Hotel Passo Tre Croci Cortina, which is then a very short walk either back to the hotel or your car.


Lago di Sorapis Kit Essentials

​Hiking equipment

​Hiking backpack - Osprey Women's Tempest 34 Daysack

​Must-have lightweight jacket - Jackpine Recycled Insulated Jacket

​Dolomites maps and guides


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